Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Took to drinking as religion and landed on my knees

You go Glen Coco!


i just spent all day going through my comments over the course of almost five years on myspace. It's insane how much can change over time. All i know is that this put my brain in a very, very strange place. Most of the people that posted comments i'm still friends with. But i would stand to say that we are all no where even close to what we used to be. People i toured the country with in 2004, i don't talk to them at all anymore. People i performed with in Raiders, i see only in passing maybe once a year. Friends that were like family i see maybe three times a year, and we have nothing to talk about anymore except "how we're doing and what we've been up to". Dennis from Vallejo...he was there too *lol*. Then again, i have the people that i still see and talk to daily, and it makes me grateful that i still have them in my life. i just wonder what would be going on if i hadn't of been so selfish in these past five years. i am a completely different person now. i'm better in a lot of aspects and worse in a couple of aspects as well. Do i regret anything? Not anymore. After going through and taking in all of the phases i went through, and the people that influenced my life i realize that i am right where i am supposed to be. And instead of being scared, like how i always was, i am instead so fucking excited with where i'm at and where i intend to go in my life. And on that note - i'm off to go drinking with some friend on a school night. Something i never do. Something i used to always do. But i need to see these people, because i love them and am only just now realizing how easy it would be to have them fade from my life if i were to neglect them. Which is something i unfortunately used to do in the past as well.

Also - i found a picture of my on the tour bus during drum corps... i am never eating again. hah! gotta love being 19.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Me Voy a Sacramento.

i'm totally being a youtube whore. But this clip is wonderful, and people need to see it. i love Kevin Smith. love love love. i love Tim Burton too, but this is just fucking hilarious.

keep 'em jackin' off in their basement.

Been looking into hotels for next month when i go to see Doug Stanhope and Mason Jennings in San Francisco. i cannot wait for this. Seriously. i've been looking forward to these two days in November since June. For those of you who have been living under a cardboard box and don't know who either dude is that i mentioned before, feast your ears (and eyes) on these videos.

Mason. Who i am completely in love with. But then again how could you not be?

and here's Dougie..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i ran away from good

Simply perfection. Sia is too damn wonderful. This is an acoustic version of one of my favorite songs of hers. From the big bird poncho thing she's wearing. To the unitards the guys playing the piano and guitar are wearing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

there were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven

So i've been horribly busy the last month. Horribly and disgustingly busy. School and work are going fucking amazingly well. October has been full of so many things, and the month is only half over. Trips to Sacramento. Panic/Dashboard concert. Halloween in the city. i'm going to Santa Cruz for the weekend on this Friday. Gonna be hammered on the boardwalk at ten a.m. on Saturday, and will proceed to be drunk for the next two days. Trips to museums to see a few exhibits. Halloween *my favorite day of the year* in the City. A field trip to the Marin Headlands for my geography class, which my bitchass just got a 94% on the midterm *we'll see how the other midterms went*. Housesitting. All the while spending hours upon hours at Armijo putting together this show. Next month is going to be just as fucking crazy.. probably more. The winter season will begin for Armijo, which means auditions and new shows are going to have to come together, while still maintaining our current piece for the Fall. But i get to go and see Doug Stanhope and Mason Jennings next month in the City! It's going to be fucking amazing. The shows are back to back, so consider my ass out of commission on November 12th and 13th. Hotel room in San Francisco, taking a couple days off in the middle of the week.. yes, yes y-e-s. i also MIGHT be going to Missouri for Thanksgiving to visit my white family. The thought of Mexico has been placed in my head by more than one person for a Spring-ish trip. Washington for New Years was also a possibility i was looking into. So i guess that's a bit of an update. Maybe i'll get around to posting something of more substance someday.

wonderful - -