Friday, June 20, 2008

Nobody likes you when you're 23.

so since i was around five i have had two chronic problems.

one...) i get really bad leg cramps.. excruiating pain. To the point where i have lain in fetal position for hours sobbing. i have gotten these things all of my life. i have seen the doctor about them, and they always say the same thing, that i'm just getting taller..Even though i am currently at five foot eight at 22 years of age. Whatever. i'll just assume that i am dying because of these leg cramps. Another problem of lame as it sounds. The hiccups. i get them randomly for hours upon hours on end. i cannot stop them. they cause giant headaches...and they're just plain strange. i mean seriously, who gets the hiccups for hours?!

Currently, as i type this, i am smack damn in the middle of having the hiccups for three hours and counting. i try everything. holding my breath. drinking sugar water. drinking *ice* cold water. drinking water from the opposite side of the cup. thinking about other stuff. *NOTHING* works....nothing ever works. i just end up miserable for hours...mostly around four hours..i'm entering hour three and a half...all i want to do is sleep...but i can't.

oh god.....kill me would be so much easier for me..

and on that birthday is in six days. Truth be told. i'm excited. i get the feeling that 23 will be a fun and exciting year for me.

p.s. my phone is dun-zo. my father spilled water on don't expect any phone calls from me for a while's probably for the best, i am quite sure of that.

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