Friday, May 9, 2008

dry humping the leg of the american dream

college. college. college.

so not okay right now. my brain is JUST bout fried. thinking about scenarios. "well if i do this, then i have to get this and that done by this date"..and "well if i put this off until next semester then i should probably get around to this.." so on and so forth. i have to go and get paperwork from places tomorrow. i have been putting this off for a loooong ass time now.

-------is it terrible if i just decided to watch this video and instantly felt about 20 times happier?

good god i love butters. he knows how to make a girl feel good.

At Armijo we're having a final fundraiser. we're having a hypnotist show. we're selling tickets, five bucks for a regular ticket and ten bucks for a dinner ticket. Well, i'm sick of getting yelled at cause my kids always sell the least amount of tickets so i came up with an incentive. i told them that each and every kid has to sell at least two tickets and the person who sells the most wins an all expense paid date with yours truly. That's right, i'm whoring myself out to make the organization money. i was quite surprised. One kid ran off and bought out ten tickets after hearing the news of a hot date with me. Another one, who ironically enough reminds me of my high school boyfriend was determined to win the date. He ran off asking every adult in attendence if they were interested in buying a ticket. He's employing the help of his sister. i'm interested in the results of the contest. i promised formal wear to said date. *lol* i have to have the winner fill out a permission slip. Too fucking funny.

i haven't seen julien *the resident chihuahua of the house* in two days. i didn't realize how much the little feller was growing on me. But as i was driving home from Suisun i couldn't help but feel happy that i would get to spoon with the six pound puppy. He's been sitting in my lap trying to make out with me for the past half an hour. How endearing.

So i got offered a trip to Jordan for two months this summer. All i have to pay for is my plane ticket to and from Jordan (with a week stop off in Rome). i'm still on the fence about going. i need to buy a new car and take a couple of classes this summer. But please believe that every ounce of my being wants to throw all common sense out the god damn window and go float around in the Dead Sea. Visit Egypt (in July, meaning 130 degree weather), stop off in Jerusalem, eat pizza under the Colliseum..all the while trying not to get murdered by infidels or get random buttflu from strange foods. We'll see.

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