Friday, May 16, 2008

Death! DEATH!

So, i strike yet again. i honestly hate being me sometimes. i am such a fool. A FOOL! Allow me to explain.

i have been taking an online environmental science class this semester. i've been doing pretty good in the class. i have my final tomorrow *yes a final on a saturday fucked up is that?*...i also had a huge presentation and nine page paper that i did this week, so needless to say this week was kind of a blur. So after a night of drinking in Vacaville and getting to bed at hmm...around 6:30 in the morning....i slither to work at Armijo. i help out some of the kids with a powerpoint of theirs and get home at around 5 o'clock. It was at this time i realized that yes, it is Friday and yes...i have a final tomorrow..and no....i don't have a scantron yet. i call the bookstore..they close at 3 on, they are not open on weekends...and yes, i am completely fucked. My sister had a scantron...the wrong one. i e-mailed my teacher and a classmate of mine promising him my first born child if he had an extra scantron. No one has answered yet. i called every person that ever went to college for even a day to ask them if they had any scantrons....nope.

why am i such a freakin' mess?

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