Thursday, April 10, 2008

i'm such a schmuck

So i finally wrote the note that i'm going to give the kids on still needs some tweaking...this is my first draft. i totally cried *just once* while writing it..MEH!!

To all "A" and "B" guard members,

In regards to today's championships performance...

Understand that those few fleeting minutes are yours and yours alone to keep. No one will ever be able to take them away from you. You will remember them for the rest of your lives. It is something truly special, and something that is to be held seperate from everything else in this world. Something to be awed and inspired by. The feelings that you will experience in this activity are unlike anything. What you are doing when you step on that floor is creating art. Beautiful, thought provoking art. It moves people. It makes them want to be a part of something this special somewhere in their own lives. Words cannot describe how proud of each and every one of you we all are. When you step out on the floor today, give yourselves a second to breathe in the moment that you are in. Close your eyes, breathe in all the way down to your toes and listen to the sounds you hear. Take in the smells, the temperature, everything that can possibly be realized. Do this to create a place in your brain that you can go back to someday. You owe that to yourselves. To be able to go back to that moment in time. You need this because you must know that you will never be there ever again. This is not something to be sad about, it it moreso something to find beautiful. The poetic nature of finality is funny like that. You must never in your lives be sad about it, only happy that you had the opportunity to be a part of something that is bigger than you. We love you all, know this...and never doubt it. You are special and worth so much. Have no regrets after today. Go out there and leave everything you have on the floor, it's where it belongs.

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