Saturday, February 28, 2009

Holy shit...whaaat?! She got an abortion of Christmas Eve????

i haven't posted an entry in here for quite some time. This is much due to the fact that i have had nothing of real importance to discuss. Work is work, life is life, people are well....still being themselves. Truly i feel that the behavior of people these days is nothing that can be unexpected. i've grown quite accustomed to it over the years. i just wonder if this will be the way it always is. i'm sure that i'll be just fine, dealing with people and the situations they are constantly putting themselves into. i have to be fine with it all; because they are and will always be this way. If i cannot accept them and their life choices, how am i ever to be able to call myself their friend? . . and vice versa of course. i just feel at times that the overall novelty of our friendship might have run its course. Maybe we're both too afraid to admit it? In any case of events, i'll be here...just like i always am. On another note - in exactly three months i will be landing in Paris. It still feels like a complete and total unreality *is that even a word?* i can hardly believe that i am going to do this all over again, but as a completely different person and thus making this trip so completely different. i have matured so much in the past three years, it seems unreal to me. i wonder what sort of things i'll run into while i am overseas this time. i think that i may not be so into the shenanigans that i was at 21. The nonstop drinking, the penny pinching *skipping meals so that i could afford to go out drinking*, the partying, the anonymous sex with foreigners who spoke little to no English, the sleeping in, the nights spent in hotel rooms with strangers, the constantly aching liver, the drug induced ephipanies about life, the arguements in French, the complete and total spontaneity in every aspect of living day to day. i'm not so sure that i have that in me anymore..but then again; how am i to ever be able to know these things for sure until i am there? i have become such a homebody over the course of just a year. Friday nights spent at home with a book and a cup of tea have become the norm, and the strangest thing is that i really don't mind. At first it was awful. i always felt compelled to be out during the weekend. But now, i could honestly care less. It doesn't bother me at all to have a seriously toned down version of my past social life. Going out and getting blitzed was something that i did every weekend *and more often than not during the week as well*. i lived like that for years and years, probably since i was 18... and considering that i fucked around most of the time during high school doing the same shit i would probably count those years as well. So let's think about this, i partied nonstop for close to six years. Here's hoping i can pull some shit out for Europe this summer, hah...

So i just got done watching "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" and i positively loved it. i HIGHLY recommend it. i really identified with ScarJo's character. She talks about how she's a nonconformist, spontaneous but unsure of what she wants from life or love. She mentions that she doesn't know what she wants out of life, she only knows what she doesn't want. It was an awesome movie, but i must warn not watch it unless you have some wine. There is so much wine drinking going on *they are in Spain after all* that five minutes in you're gonna be dying for a glass of a nice, tasty dry Cab. i now have an unquenchable desire for some wine..and will be unable to partake in any for some time as i have work to attend to.

On that note i really need to take something up. Something that requires practice and classes. What i really want is to practice my Spanish again..or photography..or a dance class.. something. i'm just feeling really understimulated because of the lack of college right now (the courses i'm enrolled in are late start classes and don't begin for another month). What i really want is the damn Rosetta Stone CD things..but they are sooo expensive and i cannot possibly force myself to spend $400 on them. Ugh. Quite the bind i am finding myself in.

In closing i'd like to post this video.. if you are in fact Catholic and can't take a joke then don't watch it..Otherwise - enjoy.

Here's another little clip of Louis C.K.'s...if you are not aware of his wonderousness then youtube everything of his that you possibly can. He's gonna be in Sacramento at the end of the month and i am going to be there if i have to die trying. Tickets go on sale today at ten in the morning!!!

1 comment:

Flo said...

At your suggestion, I watched VCB this morning (with mimosa in hand) and totally loved it too. I'm probably more of a Vicky woman but that's not for lack of wanting to be more free-spirited and unconventional like Cristina. I'd love to run off to Europe for a few months but this damn school has got me chained to the Bay Area until I graduate next September. Best BELIEVE my first vacation will be a long, extended trip to Europe with no plan or agenda. And lots of weed.

Any way, I'm totally stoked to hear all about your next trip there. Take a million photos so I can live vicariously through you mkaye?