Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Took to drinking as religion and landed on my knees

You go Glen Coco!


i just spent all day going through my comments over the course of almost five years on myspace. It's insane how much can change over time. All i know is that this put my brain in a very, very strange place. Most of the people that posted comments i'm still friends with. But i would stand to say that we are all no where even close to what we used to be. People i toured the country with in 2004, i don't talk to them at all anymore. People i performed with in Raiders, i see only in passing maybe once a year. Friends that were like family i see maybe three times a year, and we have nothing to talk about anymore except "how we're doing and what we've been up to". Dennis from Vallejo...he was there too *lol*. Then again, i have the people that i still see and talk to daily, and it makes me grateful that i still have them in my life. i just wonder what would be going on if i hadn't of been so selfish in these past five years. i am a completely different person now. i'm better in a lot of aspects and worse in a couple of aspects as well. Do i regret anything? Not anymore. After going through and taking in all of the phases i went through, and the people that influenced my life i realize that i am right where i am supposed to be. And instead of being scared, like how i always was, i am instead so fucking excited with where i'm at and where i intend to go in my life. And on that note - i'm off to go drinking with some friend on a school night. Something i never do. Something i used to always do. But i need to see these people, because i love them and am only just now realizing how easy it would be to have them fade from my life if i were to neglect them. Which is something i unfortunately used to do in the past as well.

Also - i found a picture of my on the tour bus during drum corps... i am never eating again. hah! gotta love being 19.

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